POSH Awareness Training: The What, Why and How

What is POSH Training? In 2013, Government of India enacted the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, also called as the POSH Act. The Act holds an organization and the employer responsible for taking measures to prevent incidents of sexual harassment at workplace. The Act also lays down several measures for organizations to be compliant to the Act. One of them is spreading POSH awareness to all the employees in the organization about their roles and responsibilities through training program and similar initiatives. It is advisable to conduct such trainings at least twice in a year. Why POSH Training? Firstly, it is legally mandatory to conduct POSH training. The organization can attract heavy penalties like a fine of INR 50000 for first time offence and cancellation of business license for repeated offence if the law is not followed. In addition, just having a law does not help. Many a times, women question whether ...